A Novel EEG Ultrasound Device
for Functional Brain Imaging
and Neurostimulation
We Are Hiring! Exciting Opportunity in Northern Iceland!
Are you passionate about research and eager to work in the stunning landscapes of Northern Iceland? We are looking for a highly committed and enthusiastic doctoral candidate to join our international team at the AEGEUS Project for a 3-year position at the University of Akureyri (UNAK).
As part of the AEGEUS study, you will have the unique opportunity to develop a groundbreaking diagnostic and therapeutic device for neurological applications. This device combines an innovative ultrasound component for brain imaging and focused stimulation of brain regions with advanced electrophysiological measurements of neural activity. This project is funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe Programme.
Take this opportunity to contribute to pioneering research while experiencing the beauty and tranquility of Iceland.
For more information, please click here
We are excited to show components of our first ultrasound imaging prototype.
The compact driving hardware is made of four TX/RX boards (128 channels total). The current flexible imaging array consists of 32 customized single element transducers. A configuration detection algorithm autonomously recognizes the shape of the flexible array in the initialization step. Then, the imaging software detects local changes in speed of sound with live updates.
Last week, we had an engaging AEGEUS project meeting in Bremen. This time, we met in Bremen to discuss the next steps towards our combined ultrasound-EEG-device for deep brain stimulation and measurements. We put a focus on transducer positioning and clinical study design and gained valuable insights from the discussion with our Scientific Advisory Board.
We extend our gratitude to our host and all participants for their constructive participation.
We were delighted that our AEGEUS project was part of this year’s European Researchers’ Night in Frascati, organized by Associazione Frascati Scienza. We hope our poster successfully sparked the interest and curiosity of the attendees.
The European Researchers’ Night is the largest science outreach event in Europe. In 2024 and 2025, 58 projects will host events in 25 countries. Universities and research institutes across Europe will open their doors to showcase their work through presentations, experiments, games, discussions, and other interactive formats.
A fantastic opportunity to bring science to the forefront and inspire young people to engage with it. It’s a contribution towards a better future.
We proudly announce that our project colleague Sven Rothlübbers from Fraunhofer MEVIS will present his results on “Fourier-based Signal Projection for Global Speed of Sound Autofocusing in Plane-Wave Imaging” at the ISTU Congress in Taipei on Sunday, September 22 at 09:34 AM in Session “Treatment Monitoring”. Information about the global speed of sound is a crucial basis for ultrasound therapy planning and monitoring. His work’s objective is to estimate it efficiently which will bring the AEGEUS project one step ahead.
Link to ISTU. Please klick HERE
We proudly announce that we have successfully participated in Module A of the Horizon Results Booster with our project group CITRUS. The three EIC Pathfinder Projects CITRUS EU-Project, CROSSBRAIN and AEGEUS Project have identified their potential collective results to be disseminated, their characteristics and the target stakeholders.
All three projects are investigating completely new technologies for brain stimulation and measurement of neural activity with the ultimate goal of treating neurological diseases, e.g., psychiatric disorders or epilepsy.
Looking forward to more fruitful collaboration in the upcoming Module B.
Our revamped AEGEUS website is now live!
Beyond the sleek new design and upgraded technology, we’ve completely refreshed our site to enhance your experience. Explore the website and stay tuned for exciting content updates, including regular project updates in our news section.
We’d love for you to visit often and discover what drives us!
One of our very first tomographic imaging setups with 32 transducers from Fraunhofer IBMT being tested at Fraunhofer MEVIS’ lab to detect local changes in speed of sound.
A first step in the AEGEUS project to assess our capabilities of detecting local changes in brain activity.
CIick here to watch the video.
We are happy to welcome a new project partner in the AEGEUS consortium:
mediri GmbH recently joined to take over parts of data management, dissemination and exploitation activities.
Many thanks to Steffen Tretbar and his team from Fraunhofer IBMT for hosting our face-to-face meeting within the AEGEUS project.
We could decide upon important next steps towards the first prototype of a combined EEG ultrasound device for the head which aims to improve the understanding of neural activity in the brain.
Nicola Toschi, University of Rome Tor Vergata, and his team presented AEGEUS on the 2023 European Researchers´Night at Rome.
AEGEUS - A Novel EEG Ultrasound Device for Functional Brain Imaging and Neurostimulation
For more news, please check AEGEUS on LinkedIn
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